Monday, October 3, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part nineteen)

Principle seven:Opportunity matrix

Principle of Intelligent Urbanism envisions city as an environment for personal development, social and economic development.

Access to health care, human resource development and shelter should be crucial.

PIU targets increasing safety and hygiene.

For urban citizens city is also an engine for economic growth. From their point of view important is the urban balance of trade and also the sustained employment.

(to be continued)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part eighteen)

Human Scale

PIU thinks that urban chaos can or could be avoided if pedestrian circulation would be developed.

Shopping possibilities, other amenities, basic social services must be developed around public transporting. The main task is the integration of public spaces into residential and commercial areas.

Social activities should orient towards open public spaces.
(to be continued)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Principle of Intelligent Urbanism(part seventeen)

Principle six:human scale

PIU encourages formation of walkable, pedestrian oriented urban villages.

All this concept is a consequence of an urban planning and politics, aiming friendly and free meeting of people.

PIU concept is the promotion of pedestrian circulation as opposed to the car-traffic.

Intelligent Urbanism aiming removing artificial barriers and helps face-to-face contact.

(to be continued)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part sixteen)

Social facilities and public services are also part of PIU. These services are delivered cost per unit to citizens.

Balance should be found between over-capitalized mega systems and low-density individual systems.
(to be continued)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part fifteen)

Intelligent Urbanism takes efficiency promotion in cost effective manner.

In this point of view efficiency relies also on positive and good city planning. This planning promotes some alternative transports, opposed to a dependence on personal vehicles. It means the promotion of public transport, accessible to anyone.

PIU helps complementary social amenities, convenience shopping, recreation, public services in compact.

(to be continued)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part fourteen)

The fifth principle of Intelligent Urbanism is efficiency.

Efficiency seeks the balance between everyday consumption and everyday resources such as energy or fiscal resources and time management. This principle encouraging sharing of public beholds, like public land, facilities or services.
(to be continued)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Principles of Intelligent Urbanism(part thirteen)

1.4.City domain places(part one)

One principle of Intelligent Urbanism is the calling for city domains.

All these public places are plazas, parks, promenades, and so on.

These places are social places, accessible to anyone. Some social places places are free, but museums, for example are accessible for a fee. Public places are regulated by human behavior.
(to be continued)